Priority Actions (2) Objective 4: Quality 4.1 Design and implement cash-based assistance to contribute as effectively and efficiently as possible to strategic outcomes [GFA 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4] 4.2 Develop common tools for managing the quality of CTP [GFA 4.1] 4.3 Integrate CTP into existing mechanisms for managing the quality of humanitarian action [GFA 4.2] Objective 5: 5.1 Integrate CTP into existing mechanisms for coordinating humanitarian action. [GFA Coordination 5.1, 5.2, GB 2.2] 5.2 Support and engage with Cash Working Groups. [GFA 5.4] 5.3 Build links between humanitarian programmes and other government/development initiatives. [GFA 5.1 & 5.3] Objective 6: Evidence 6.1 Strengthen the evidence base. [GFA 6.1, GB 1.6] & Innovation 6.2 Strengthen common platforms for building, sharing and using knowledge about CTP. [GFA 6.4 & 6.5] 6.3 Invest in innovation to achieve more for beneficiaries. [GFA 6.2] Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved 14

State of World’s Cash Report | Presentation - Page 15 State of World’s Cash Report | Presentation Page 14 Page 16