Objective 6: Strengthen the evidence base and invest in innovation The case that CTP can effectively be used at scale has been made, but significant gaps in evidence remain Collaboration in implementing CTP is increasing, but we don’t yet know which operational models are most appropriate in different contexts 80%Practitioners agree that sufficient evidence is available to make the case New operational models are developing based on considerations of for a significant increase in the use of CTP efficiency, effectiveness and accountability, in combination with Evidence gaps on the use of CTP for: specific contextual factors 1 Different contexts 2 Different sectoral outcomes 3 Use of MPGs 44% Lessthanhalfofpractitionersagreethatenoughevidenceisavailable to 4 Multi-modality / complementary programming 5 Different sub-populations informtheselection of operational models 6 Efficiency and effectiveness of different operational models Contentious issues remain: ▪ Impact on consistency of services available for different populations, and Limited evidence reduces use of CTP, but determining how to achieve coordination objectives in a specific context requires new approaches to be tested ▪ ImpactonrolesofdifferentagenciescurrentlyengagedinCTP in practice ▪ Impactonfundingcorecostsandmaintainingkeyhumanitariancapacitiesacross geographies Agencies are building the evidence base for how CTP can achieve sectoral outcomes CTP can act as a catalyst for further innovation 53% Practitioners think sufficient evidence is available about how to use cash Innovation requires an appetite for risk, and will benefit from andvouchersappropriatelyindifferentsectors increased collaboration among humanitarian agencies and the private sector. There is limited evidence in some sectors, e.g. health, nutrition, WaSH, Technology has been central to CTP, e.g. mobile money, biometrics and shelter and protection. This is being addressed through new research and digital identities. Overall, new technology has been underutilized evidencereviews Source: State of the World’s Cash Research, CaLPand Accenture Research Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved