In Depth Case Studies Case Study Summary Nepal Examines how limited CTP capacities, institutionalization and preparedness affected the use of CTP post-earthquake, Scaling up CTP after a rapid onset disaster also highlights lessons learned for linking to social protection systems Nigeria Piloting tools and approaches for multi-sectoral cash response Zimbabwe Summarizes findings from the large scale use of mobile money to address food and nutrition security in the context Lessons from the ‘Emergency Cash First of a liquidity crisis Response’ to drought-affected communities DRC Charts the evolution of the Taking cash to scale in challenging environments Turkey Reviews learning emerging from the partnership between Turkish Red Crescent, WFP and the Government to deliver Working with host governments to deliver CTP the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) during the refugee crisis Liberia Examines how CTP was used to support recovery from the Ebola epidemic, including the role of the government, and Cash at scale in response to an epidemic constraints on payment delivery options due to limited infrastructure Somalia Explores enabling factors for rapid scale up of CTP in 2017, along with challenges encountered, with a particular Rapid scale-up of cash transfer programming in focus on coordination, preparedness and the use of mobile money response to drought Lebanon Summarizes the evolution to date of different types of CTP operational models during the Syrian refugee response, Operational models for cash at scale including consortia and shared delivery mechanisms, and the learning and debates arising Source: State of the World’s Cash Research, CaLPand Accenture Research Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved 16

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