C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT – ANNEX: CASE STUDIES Humanitarian actors must take account of governmental time, resources and concerns to foster their engagement on cash coordination: The project’s approach to creating an enabling environment for uptake of MPGs involves fostering strategic leadership at the country level, including engagement with government actors. The Consortium has encountered some difficulties in engaging national government actors in coordination of these activities. Initial meetings confirmed the Government of Nigeria’s interest to take part in the BNA, however the costs of the government’s involvement in the assessment (such as their enumerators) could not be covered by the project. This led the government to withdraw their interest in collaboration. Meanwhile, another workstream under the project is seeking to build understanding of the capacity of government institutions and systems to support or lead coordination of a cash-based response. To this end, an in-depth capacity assessment questionnaire was shared with government departments involved in disaster risk management and implementation of the national safety net. At the time of writing this had not met with a positive response from any government department, and the Consortium was rethinking the approach. Experience suggests that such activities must form part of a more detailed and intensive strategy for government engagement and to ensure that concerns about sharing of sensitive information are first addressed. Sources: SCUK (2017) Increasing the Uptake of Multi-Purpose Cash Grants in Emergency Responses for a More Efficient and Effective Humanitarian Action: Briefing Note on the ERC Project in Nigeria; Okular Analytics (2017) Basic Needs and Response Analysis Framework Report: Pilot Assessment In and Around Informal IDPs Settlements in Borno State, Nigeria – June 2017, a report for Save the Children UK, WFP and Plan International; Okular Analytics and Save the Children (2017) Guidance and Toolbox for the Basic Needs Analysis, final unedited draft (October 2017) produced for the ‘Consortium for the uptake of collaborative, quality MPG in emergency response’; Okular Analytics and Save the Children (2017) Facilitator’s Guide for the Basic Needs-based Response Options Analysis and Planning, first unedited draft (October 2017) produced for the ‘Consortium for the uptake of collaborative, quality MPG in emergency response’; Interviews with DRC, SCUK. 15