C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT – ANNEX: CASE STUDIES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Nepal – scaling up cash transfer programming (CTP) after a rapid onset disaster 1 2 Turkey – Working with host governments to deliver cash-based assistance during the refugee crisis 4 3 Zimbabwe – Lessons from the ‘Emergency Cash First Response’ to drought-affected communities 9 4 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – Taking cash transfers to scale in challenging environments 11 5 Nigeria – Piloting tools and approaches for multi-sectoral cash responses 13 6 Liberia – Implementing cash at scale in response to an epidemic 16 7 Somalia – Rapid scale-up of cash transfer programming in response to drought 19 8 Lebanon – Designing and implementing operational models for cash at scale 24 Cover photo: WFP/Kiyori Ueno

The State of the World's Cash | Case Studies - Page 2 The State of the World's Cash | Case Studies Page 1 Page 3