C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 1: FUNDING GLOBAL OBJECTIVE 1: ENSURE SUFFICIENT FUNDING IS AVAILABLE FOR CASH TRANSFER PROGRAMMING Support for CTP by strategic decision makers has significantly increased in the last two years. This has led to a range of policy and strategy commitments to scale up CTP by donors and implementing agencies, and an (albeit modest) increase in the scale of CTP as a proportion of humanitarian assistance over the last two years. To achieve greater scale necessitates policy commitments to be translated into practice, requiring systemic organizational change. Global Objective 1 Supporting Actions Ensure sufficient 1.1 Increase the use of cash programming, where appropriate. funding is available 1.2 Develop and employ common markers and definitions for organizations to track and for cash transfer report CTP. programming 1.3 Strengthen support for CTP among all levels of government, senior decision makers and (Grand Bargain the general public. #1 & #6) 1.4 Track and report the funding allocated to CTP, using common markers and definitions. There is increased high-level support for CTP within donor and implementing organizations, translating into policy and strategy commitments There is increased support for cash transfer programming (CTP) among donor governments and senior decision makers in humanitarian organizations. Following a gradual growth in interest in CTP from 2004/5, it has accelerated since 2015. Landmark publications, including the High Level Panel report (2015),36 which outlined recommendations to increase the scale, efficiency and quality of cash transfers, and the Grand Bargain37 commitments (2016), have helped express and galvanize this support. This is reflected in the practitioner survey, whose respondents perceive a marked shift in the level of support for CTP among strategic decision makers in donors and implementing organizations (see Box 1.1). This support is evident from the policy and strategy commitments being made by both donors and implementers. BOX 1.1 INCREASING SUPPORT FOR CTP Many actors are making specific commitments to scaling up CTP by setting specific targets. The 53 38 signatories of the Grand Bargain have made formal >80% commitments to increase the use of CTP. They include Practitioners agree that there all the major established donors and implementing has been strengthening of agencies involved in international humanitarian support for CTP among donor response. Some donors and agencies have chosen to governments and senior decision makers. set quantitative targets for the use of CTP. For instance, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) has committed to more than double its use of 39 cash in crises by 2025 and the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) aims to 40 deliver 35% of its humanitarian assistance in the form of CTP in 2017. UNHCR has committed to double its use of CTP by 2020. Some International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) have made similar public commitments. For example, World Vision International (WVI) has committed to deliver 50% of its programmes 41 through a multi-sectoral and multi-purpose ‘cash first approach’ by 2020. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has committed to deliver 25% of their assistance through cash and vouchers by 2020. Of the 32 organizations which completed the organizational survey, 40% reported that they have targeted a percentage of humanitarian assistance to be delivered as cash or vouchers by 2020. Among this group, 38% have a CTP target in excess of 36 ODI (2015) ‘Doing Cash Differently: A Report on the High Level Panel for Cash Transfers’. See www.odi.org/publications/9876-cash-transfers-humanitarian- vouchers-aid-emergencies 37 Relief International (2016) Grand Bargain Report. See https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Grand_Bargain_final_22_May_FINAL-2.pdf 38 List of signatories available at www.agendaforhumanity.org/initiatives/3861 39 UK WHS Self Report 2016, available at www.agendaforhumanity.org/annual-report/5161 40 EU WHS Self Report, available at www.agendaforhumanity.org/annual-report/5545 41 World Vision International (2016) ‘Cash first, but not always’ Blog, available at www.wvi.org/disaster-management/blogpost/cash-first-not-always 26