C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 7 – PRIORITY ACTIONS n Each chapter closes with three priority actions needed to drive further progress, summarised below. Unless otherwise stated, the actions apply to implementing agencies, donors and coordinating bodies. These span government entities, UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross Movement and the private sector. This report does not propose a new set of recommendations, which would be unnecessary and potential confusing. Instead, the priority actions are cross-referenced to the Global Framework for Action and the draft 17 action plan of the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream (GB). The Sustainable Development Goals provide a broad 18 frame of reference, alongside the UN’s New Way of Working. The priority actions are summarized here. More details are provided in the full report. Each action is cross referenced to: 19 — GFA: Specific supporting actions identified in the Global Framework for Action — GB: Specific draft actions identified in the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream Workshop Report, 31st May–1st 20 June 2017 1.1 Sustain high-level policy commitments to CTP. [GFA 1.3, GB 1.3] — Continually monitor, sustain and refresh existing commitments to realize the potential of CTP, for instance, through lobbying, public accountability mechanisms, sharing experiences and strengthening the evidence base. 1.2 I ntegrate CTP into organizational and inter-agency reporting systems, using common definitions. [GFA 1.4, GB 4] — This should be enacted within individual institutions, and across key inter-agency systems such as the Financial Tracking System (FTS), and the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data standard. All actors should use common definitions, to enable comparison and aggregation. CaLP’s Glossary has been collectively developed over several years and recently recommended for adoption by the cash workstreams of the Grand Bargain and the Good Humanitarian Donorship initiative. — Policy decisions are required concerning whether to report cash and vouchers together or separately in global reporting systems. Work is needed to increase transparency of programming costs for all modalities (cash, vouchers, in-kind, etc). 1.3 Strengthen support for CTP among the public. [GFA 1.3] — Make the case to the public for CTP as an integral part of humanitarian aid. Actors can achieve more in this area by working together using common messaging. 21 2.1 Embed c ontextual analysis and response analysis into humanitarian programme cycles and funding decisions. [GFA 2.2] — Decisions about how best to provide aid should be based on an assessment of each context, including all issues relevant for CTP. Programme cycles should include the explicit step of response analysis. These steps should be embedded in agencies’ internal procedures, as well as in leadership, coordination and funding bodies. — Use and promote common, streamlined tools, appropriate to each context and operating across sectors. Work with new partners to achieve collective goals in these areas. 17 https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/system/files/gb_cash_workstream_workshop_report_may-jun_2017.pdf This action plan identified areas where the Grand Bargain could add value to other processes. It was not intended to provide a comprehensive road map for achieving the cash reform. 18 See p. 6 of The New Way of Working, available at www.unocha.org/sites/unocha/files/NWOW%20Booklet%20low%20res.002_0.pdf: ‘working over multiple years, based on the comparative advantage of a diverse range of actors, including those outside the UN system, towards collective outcomes; wherever possible, efforts should reinforce and strengthen the capacities that already exist at national and local levels’. 19 www.cashlearning.org/downloads/calp-framework-web.pdf 20 http://interagencystandingcommittee.org/system/files/gb_cash_workstream_workshop_report_may-jun_2017.pdf 21 Response analysis is defined in CaLP’s Glossary: www.cashlearning.org/resources/glossary#RA 12

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