C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT In addition, the following key informants participated in in-depth interviews to develop the detailed response case studies (Annex 2) and boxes in the report that showcase specific issues: Name Organization Alan Grundy Catholic Relief Services Dalia Sbeih, Solidarites Lebanon Dina Morad and Jonathan Campbell, WFP Turkey Elias Sagmeister, Ground Truth Solutions Gabriele Erba ex-UNICEF Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Hannah Reichardt SCUK Iraz Oyku Soylap and Qimti Paienjton, UNICEF Turkey Jasmine Jahromi and Jenny Weatherall Lebanon Cash Consortium Juliet Lang UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Wendy Rogers International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Data Standard/Development Initiatives (DI) Karen Peachey CaLP East Africa regional focal point Lars Peter Nissen Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) Mamta Basnet CashCAP (NRC) Martin Pittman, Steph Roberson and CaLP Isabelle Pelly Sara Murray Mercy Corps Dustin Caniglia Concern Worldwide (Somalia) Nynne Warring WFP/Somalia CWG Co-Chair Sophie Pongracz and Tom Russell, DFID Lebanon Dalia Sbeih Solidarites Lebanon Dina Morad and Jonathan Campbell WFP Turkey Sophie Tholstrup UN OCHA Somalia 108

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