C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT — Too many guidelines, with insufficient consolidation and curation: A consistent finding across this and other research is that there is no overall shortage of tools and guidance for CTP. In fact, respondents to CaLP’s scoping study on information needs reported that, while practical guidance and tools are a priority requirement, the abundance of existing materials is actually an obstacle to identifying the best examples.92 Similarly, when CaLP was researching priorities for developing guidance for monitoring CTP, a strong recommendation was to provide ‘a guide to the guides’, consolidating existing materials and highlighting essential reading and tools. Without effective consolidation, duplications of effort are likely, and navigating what’s available to identify the best examples will remain a challenge. — Tools and guidelines for CTP are not embedded into wider humanitarian frameworks: The majority of tools and guidelines that have been developed for CTP are standalone, and are not embedded within other programme implementation guidelines and quality frameworks. This undermines the effective integration of CTP into wider humanitarian programming. Progress is being made, however. For instance, as shown by the Basic Needs Assessment methodology (see case study in Annex 2.5), and CaLP’s Monitoring Guidance 93 for CTP in Emergencies, CTP is only now being mainstreamed into humanitarian standards, for instance, through the revised Sphere standards (see Box 4.4). The forthcoming 2018 edition of the Sphere Handbook will provide guidance on how CTP can be used to meet humanitarian standards, including the Core Humanitarian Standard, and technical standards. The need for multi-sector response analysis is referenced in the overall introduction, and sector-specific market analysis and CTP considerations are referenced in each chapter. CaLP is currently working to address some of these issues through the development of the Cash Based Assistance (CBA) Programme Quality Toolbox, as outlined in Box 4.3. — Contextualisation and customization may be required: Tools and guidance may need to be adapted, both to the context and/or a specific organization’s ways of working. Practitioners need the appropriate skills to do this. Respondents to CaLP’s knowledge hub consultations recommended that global guidance include context-specific considerations for the successful design, delivery and monitoring of CTP. However, realizing better harmonization also requires a balance between customization and maintaining common elements, for example, those concerning indicators and minimum standards. BOX 4.3 THE CASH-BASED ASSISTANCE (CBA) PROGRAMME QUALITY TOOLBOX The programme quality toolbox provides a set of common standards and actions for quality Cash-Based Assistance (CBA).* It has been developed by CaLP and its members based on the best available guidance across organizations, using a systematic selection protocol, rather than developing additional materials. The content of the Toolbox has been identified through a consultative curation process, involving a range of humanitarian actors coordinated through CaLP’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The standards and actions define ‘what’ needs to happen for quality CBA. These are supported by a curated set of guidelines and ready to use tools and templates, i.e., ‘how’ to achieve quality CBA. The toolbox can therefore be used by managers and donors, as well as by practitioners. The toolbox is applicable across modality, context and outcomes (both sectoral and multi-sectoral). Where they exist, sector-specific guidelines and tools have been included. It will continue to be updated, to serve as a live resource in the light of emerging experience. The Toolbox has been designed to accompany the forthcoming revised Sphere handbook (see Box 4.4), and is also a component of CaLP’s Knowledge Hub (see Box 6.4), the purpose of which is to generate CTP-related knowledge and make existing CTP knowledge accessible and effectively shared. It will be available to access from both Sphere and CaLP websites, from early 2018. * Preferred term for cash & vouchers in new Sphere handbook 92 CaLP (2017) CaLP Knowledge Hub – Consultations and Recommendations (internal document – unpublished). 93 CaLP (2017) Monitoring Guidance for CTP in Emergencies, available at www.cashlearning.org/downloads/calp-ctp-monitoring-web.pdf 56