C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 4: QUALITY GLOBAL OBJECTIVE 4: ENSURE THE QUALITY OF CASH TRANSFER PROGRAMMING The quality of CTP is perceived to be improving. Further collective action is required to develop and implement common standards and guidance for quality CTP, based on best practice. CTP is being increasingly used across and within sectors; more evidence is needed about how it contributes to outcomes, along with the identification and use of common outcome indicators. The potential of humanitarian CTP to enhance financial inclusion depends on a range of context-specific enabling factors. Global Objective 4 Supporting Actions Ensure the quality 4.1 Develop common standards and guidelines for CTP, including outcome indicators. of cash transfer 4.2 Make existing knowledge and evidence on CTP easily accessible by all significant actors. programming 4.3 Design and implement CTPs (including response modalities and operating models) on (Grand Bargain the basis of the best available evidence, beneficiary preferences and considerations of #4 & #5) efficiency and effectiveness. 4.4 Design and implement CTP delivery mechanisms to facilitate financial inclusion, localization and build on local systems and infrastructure where possible. There is a perception that the quality of CTP is improving, but there are no objective measures of quality The central aim of any humanitarian intervention is to achieve intended outcomes while maintaining quality standards, through aid that is appropriate and meets people’s needs quickly, safely and with dignity. 80% of practitioners surveyed believe that their organization has made the required progress towards increasing the quality of CTP (see Box 4.1), and 72% agreed that they are informed about current best practices for effective cash and voucher programming. These findings were reflected in organizational interviews citing improvements in the quality of CTP delivered in the last 12 months, and the use of best practice and evidence in designing and implementing CTP. For example, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) note that evidence is starting to inform their programmes, and there are plans for in-depth evaluations every year, with funding allocated to priority countries/projects. Chapter 6 explores the evidence base for CTP in more depth, and highlights that while, at a general level, the evidence exists on how to design quality CTP, there are notable gaps. Practitioners also believe that their organizations’ policies will continue to improve the quality of CTP in the future (see Box 4.1). BOX 4.1 PRACTITIONER VIEWS ON PROGRESS IN CTP QUALITY 3/4 Practitioners believe they have the evidence they need to design quality CTP. 80% 2/3 Practitioners believe that their Practitioners believe that their organization has made the required organization’s existing policies (or progress towards increasing the quality the ones being developed) will be of cash and voucher programming. effective in ensuring the quality of CTP. 54