C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT ABBREVIATIONS ACAPS Assessment Capacities Project IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and ADP Accenture Development Partnerships Red Crescent Societies BCC Behaviour Change Communication IHA International Humanitarian Assistance BRC British Red Cross INGO International Non-Government BNA Basic Needs Approach Organization BRCiS Building Resilient Communities in Somalia IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification CaLP The Cash Learning Partnership IRC International Rescue Committee CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief M&E Monitoring and Evaluation Everywhere MBP Market-Based Programming CBA Cash-based Assistance MNO Mobile Network Operator CCG Cash Coordination Group MPG Multipurpose Grants CCT Conditional Cash Transfer NGO Non-Government Organization CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poor NRC Norwegian Refugee Council CGI Corrugated Galvanized Iron OCHA Office for the Coordination of CRS Catholic Relief Services Humanitarian Affairs CSI Coping Strategies Index OCRT Organizational Cash Readiness Tool CTP Cash Transfer Programming ODA Official Development Assistance CWG Cash Working Group ODI Overseas Development Institute DAC Development Assistance Committee OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation DFID United Kingdom Department for and Development International Development PDM Post Distribution Monitoring DI Development Initiatives PHAP Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance DRC Democratic Republic of Congo and Profession DRM Disaster Risk Management PQT Programme Quality Toolbox ECHO European Civil Protection and RI Relief International Humanitarian Aid Operations SCT Social Cash Transfer ELAN Electronic Cash Transfer Learning SCUK Save the Children UK Action Network SDGs Sustainable Development Goals ESSN Emergency Social Safety Net TORs Terms of Reference FFP Food for Peace UCT Unconditional Cash Transfer FGD Focus Group Discussion UN United Nations FSL Food Security and Livelihoods UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner FSP Financial Service Providers for Refugees FTS Financial Tracking System UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund GB The Grand Bargain USAID The United States Agency for GHA Global Humanitarian Assistance International Development GHD Good Humanitarian Donorship VfM Value for Money GPPI Global Public Policy Institute WaSH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene HC Humanitarian Coordinators WFP World Food Programme HCT Humanitarian Country Team WHS World Humanitarian Summit HRP Humanitarian Response Plan WVI World Vision International HXL Humanitarian Exchange Language 3RP Regional Response and Resilience Plan IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee 3W Who does What, Where IATI International Aid Transparency Initiative ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross 19