C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT The contents of the six Global Objectives on which the report’s chapters are based are closely interlinked. The Framework was designed to connect policy commitments with operational management. As a result, some compromises had to be made about which issues were located within each chapter. All six chapters should be read in conjunction with each other. For instance, innovations described in Chapter 6 have a bearing on the capacities that agencies are building in Chapter 3 and the coordination mechanisms discussed in Chapter 5. Priority Actions: Each chapter closes with three ‘priority actions’ that highlight the next steps required to drive progress most effectively. These are cross-referenced with existing recommendations from the Global Framework for Action and the Grand Bargain, in order to focus on implementation. They are summarized further into two key themes and three enabling factors that have been identified from the analysis in order to drive the most effective use of CTP in the coming months and years. Critical Debates: The report highlights six current critical debates. These summarize the different views of various actors, without attempting to reconcile them. They are presented in order to assist wider understanding and provide greater insight on points of convergence and divergence. Measuring CTP Should cash and vouchers be measured separately or Multi-purpose Grants together? Operational Models How should we use MPGs How do we ensure that both appropriately, while ensuring efficiency and effectiveness are necessary sectoral outcomes? given due weight in the selection of CRITICAL DEBATES operational models? Social Protection Capacity Building How and when can Financial Inclusion What do new ways of humanitarian CTP align What are the most implementing CTP mean for best with social protection appropriate ways to combine capacity building? systems? humanitarian CTP with longer term financial inclusion? Case Studies: In addition, the report presents eight case studies of CTP in practice (see Annex 2). These vividly bring the issues to life, offering recent examples of the many ways in which the humanitarian community is rapidly learning how to make the best use of CTP. They include a balanced description of successes achieved and obstacles faced in each context. The case studies are referred to throughout the text. They were selected on the basis of providing significant insights into recent practice, progress and challenges, based on available documentation, and spanning a range of contexts. This report is predicated on the understanding that CTP has appropriately come to be seen as a tool to enhance humanitarian response, rather than a silver bullet or panacea. However, there is enormous potential to make better use of CTP in most humanitarian settings in ways that can have a transformative effect for those in greatest need, while also achieving more from limited aid dollars. This State of the World’s Cash Report aims to provide a common platform to enhance evidence-based decision making across humanitarian actors, in order to realize the potential of CTP. Its ambition is to make a significant contribution to converting the high-level policy commitments to CTP into the most effective, practical actions that will drive the greatest change over the next two years. 24