C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 3: CAPACITY BUILDING GLOBAL OBJECTIVE 3: BUILD SUFFICIENT CAPACITY FOR CASH TRANSFER PROGRAMMING Lack of organizational capacity – both human resources and systems and processes – remains a critical barrier to increasing the scale of quality CTP. There are insufficient investments being made to build capacity of national and local actors, in line with the localization of aid agenda. Trends in the ways in which CTP are being implemented, including the streamlining of processes and segregation of roles, have implications for the types of capacities that implementing agencies should be building. Global Objective 3 Supporting Actions Build sufficient 3.1 Ensure that appropriate delivery and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place capacity for cash for CTP, using common approaches where possible. transfer programming 3.2 Undertake structured approaches to strengthen capacity for CTP at strategic and (Grand Bargain #5) operational levels, including adapting support functions and operational preparedness. 3.3 Increase the number of competent staff available for strategic, technical and operational functions required for CTP. 3.4 Make best practice training materials and programmes on CTP widely accessible and tailor them to a range of audiences. 3.5 Invest in supporting national and local organizations to build leadership and capacity for CTP. At present, lack of organizational capacity is a critical barrier to effective and extensive usage of CTP The organization survey and practitioner survey (see Box 3.1) reveal that a lack of organizational capacity is perceived as a critical barrier to scaling up CTP. These survey perceptions are confirmed in the majority of interviews. BOX 3.1 LIMITED CAPACITY IS A CHALLENGE TO Staff competence and expertise are a critical SCALING UP CTP element of capacity, but there is also growing acknowledgement that human resource capacity 60% must be supported by organizational structures, Organizations report that they systems, policies and procedures that enable the 74 do not have the capacities in design and implementation of CTP. Policies are the place needed to implement CTP. focus of Chapter 1. This Chapter discusses the other components of capacity building: human resource 64% capacity, systems and procedures. Practitioners agree that their Systematic investments are required to make organization’s existing policies or real progress in building organizational capacity the ones being developed will be for CTP effective in ensuring organizational capacity and readiness for CTP. The ability to consider cash-based responses increases where country teams are ‘cash ready’. Respondents explained that this requires concerted investment in staff expertise and capacities at all levels, alongside organizational processes and systems. These actions are needed to realize the implementation of policy and strategy commitments to scaling up CTP in practice. These are not insignificant investments to make and, like any process of systemic organizational change, they take time to materialize, and have to compete for management attention and resources among many other priorities. 74 CaLP (2016) Organizational Cash Readiness Tool. www.cashlearning.org/strengthening-institutional-capacity/strengthening-institutional-capacity 45