C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 5: COORDINATION GLOBAL OBJECTIVE 5: STRENGTHEN COORDINATION OF CTP Coordination of CTP remains ad hoc and contested. As a result, the efficiency and effectiveness of CTP is undermined. It is not clear which organization(s) should be responsible for CTP coordination, or the extent to which the planning and coordination of MPGs should transcend sectors, and this limits progress. More evidence is needed about when and how humanitarian CTP should best link with social protection systems. Global Objective 5 Supporting Actions Strengthen 5.1 Host governments play a leading role in strategic coordination of CTP throughout a coordination of cash response, where possible and consistent with humanitarian principles. transfer programming 5.2 Develop a predictable approach to strategic coordination by international actors, and (Grand Bargain #5) implement it where necessary. 5.3 Link humanitarian CTPs to existing social protection systems, legislation and infrastructure to the greatest extent possible. 5.4 All significant local and international actors actively participate in strategic and operational coordination mechanisms, share information, use common approaches and collaborate with each other as much as possible. The problem of poor coordination of CTP and its impacts are well documented 105 The limitations of cash coordination are now well understood. Since 2015, several studies shed light on and reached consensus on the key issues – specifically the ad hoc and fragmented approach to cash coordination, which is not formally or consistently embedded within the humanitarian coordination architecture. This poses challenges that limit the efficiency and effectiveness of the scaling up of CTP. These challenges and their impacts are summarized in Box 5.1. Experiences in Nepal in the 2015 earthquake response, documented as a case study (see Annex 2.1), illustrate several of these challenges. 105 World Bank (2016) Strategic Note on Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts, a report for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee http://documents. worldbank.org/curated/en/697681467995447727/Strategic-note-cash-transfers-in-humanitarian-contexts; GPPi (2017) White Paper on Cash Coordination www.cashlearning.org/downloads/gppi-(2017)-policy-paper-on-cash-coordination.pdf ; CaLP (2015) Cash Coordination in the Philippines: A Review of Lessons Learned www.cashlearning.org/downloads/cash-coordination-philippines-web-2.pdf; ODI (2017) Challenging the System: Humanitarian Cash Transfers in Iraq; ODI (2017) The Politics of Cash: a Case Study on Humanitarian Cash Transfers in Ukraine www.odi.org/publications/10764-time-change-harnessing-potential- humanitarian-cash-transfers. 67

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