C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT Several implementing agencies and donors interviewed in this study suggested that reorienting thinking in this way, around ‘basic needs’, could be a promising way to support better integration of sectors, presenting MPGs as a common platform and the foundation by which to meet sector-specific needs. Respondents considered the potential of the approach to enable the design of mixed modality programmes, whereby basic cash assistance is complemented by more detailed assessment and analysis, along with other forms of support. For example, the shelter cluster perceived that, under such an approach, an MPG could be complementary to other shelter responses and supplemented by technical support and supervision. There were, however, notes of caution sounded regarding the lack of available evidence as yet to establish ‘proof of concept’ and the need to monitor outcomes. It is clear from the experiences in Nigeria that adoption requires buy-in and strategic engagement across organizations and sectors. Respondents highlight that this presents a challenge, given the present coordination architecture and the reticence/concerns of certain clusters. Issues in cash coordination are the focus of Chapter 5. Furthermore, some respondents acknowledged that multi-sectoral needs assessments do not collect the level of detail that can be required to design some sector-specific programmes, meaning they must be considered (and resourced) as an additional, complementary, rather than substitute, task. At the meeting of the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream in June 2017, Global Cluster representatives called for improved joint response analysis across clusters. There is agreement to develop a paper on the links between the BNA, MPGs and complementary programming, with inputs from the Cash Workstream and Needs Assessment 72 Workstream members, which are spread across clusters. 72 WFP/DFID (2017) Report of the First Workshop of the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream, 31 May–1 June 2017. 43

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