C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT 1.6 GOVERNANCE AND REVIEW PROCESS Steering Committee: The development of the report was overseen by a Steering Committee. Members (see table below) were selected based on their experience and expertise on the topic of CTP, and to provide a representative cross-section of stakeholders including NGOs, donors, UN agencies, and host governments. Name Organization Louisa Seferis Danish Refugee Council Paula Gil Baizan formerly World Vision International Paul Harvey Independent consultant David Peppiatt British Red Cross Emily Henderson UK Department for International Development Kenn Crossley World Food Programme Gabriel Fernandez Government of Liberia Kalinda Glenn-Haley USAID/OFDA Ruco van der Merwe USAID/FFP Isabelle Pelly CaLP Claire Mariani UNICEF The Steering Committee provided inputs at four strategic stages in the development process. These included: at the inception stage to guide the overall structure, objectives and content; to review the initial findings and direction during the data collection phase; to review a first draft of the report; and to review an updated draft narrative prior to final revisions. Feedback from the Steering Committee was collected via four meetings (face-to- face and remote), and in writing. Review process: In addition to the review provided by Steering Committee members, the updated draft narrative was also shared with a wider group for review prior to finalization, comprising CaLP Technical Advisory Group (TAG) members, CaLP staff members, CaLP Board members, CaLP donors, and Development Initiatives. Comments and suggestions from reviewers were consolidated and used to inform final revisions of the report narrative. 112