C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT CHAPTER 6: EVIDENCE AND INNOVATION GLOBAL OBJECTIVE 6: STRENGTHEN THE EVIDENCE BASE AND INVEST IN INNOVATION The case for CTP as an assistance modality that can be used at scale has been made, but the evidence base for the efficiency and effectiveness of different operating models, and types of CTP in different contexts needs to be developed. Agencies are examining how to build evidence for the achievement of sectoral outcomes through CTP. Many organizations are open to and share CTP knowledge, but the policies and platforms to facilitate this at a systemic level need to improve. CTP can act as a catalyst for further innovation, but will benefit from more strategic collaboration, both between humanitarian agencies themselves, and with the private sector. Global Objective 6 Supporting Actions Strengthen the 6.1 Strengthen the evidence base about the costs, benefits, impacts and risks of CTP in evidence base and different contexts and sectors. invest in innovation 6.2 Invest in developing new delivery models and innovations which can be used to increase (Grand Bargain the quality and scale of CTP. This includes new partnerships with the private sector and #2 & #3) other actors. 6.3 Develop and employ common markers to track and assess delivery models. 6.4 Proactively share information about experiences of CTP. 6.5 Maintain a comprehensive overview of the evidence base and gaps on CTP, across all sectors, and promote new evidence across all relevant organizations. The fundamental case for CTP as an assistance modality that can effectively be used at scale has been made It has been established that there is a solid and growing evidence base for CTP, and that it is among the best researched humanitarian tools.123 There have been notable efforts to review and distil the state of CTP evidence; the main findings from some of the key studies are outlined in Box 6.2 (below). As seen in Box 6.1, 80% of the practitioner survey respondents agreed (and just 11% actively disagreed) that the evidence to support a significant increase in CTP now exists. Similarly, the very low percentage of organizations surveyed that consider the lack of evidence to be a significant internal barrier to increasing CTP indicates that the fundamental case for CTP has been made. BOX 6.1 SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE ‘PROOF OF CONCEPT’ FOR CTP 80% 6% Practitioners agree that sufficient Organizations saw a lack of evidence on the evidence is available to make the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness case for a significant increase in of cash as a significant barrier to effective and the use of CTP. extensive usage of CTP within their organization and their readiness for CTP. 123 ODI (2015) Report of the High Level Panel on Cash Transfers www.odi.org/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/9828.pdf 79