C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements iv Foreword 1 Executive Summary 3 Glossary of Terms 16 Abbreviations 19 Introduction 20 Chapter 1: Funding 26 Global Objective 1: Ensure sufficient funding is available for cash transfer programming 26 Chapter 2: Routine Consideration 35 Global Objective 2: Ensure cash is routinely considered, alongside other modality tools 35 Chapter 3: Capacity Building 45 Global Objective 3: Build sufficient capacity for cash transfer programming 45 Chapter 4: Quality 54 Global Objective 4: Ensure the quality of cash transfer programming 54 Chapter 5: Coordination 67 Global Objective 5: Strengthen coordination of CTP 67 Chapter 6: Evidence and Innovation 79 Global Objective 6: Strengthen the evidence base and invest in innovation 79 Priority Actions 94 References 100 Annex 1: Methodology 103 1.1 Practitioner survey 103 1.2 Organization survey 105 1.3 Focus group discussions 106 1.4 Organizational interviews 107 1.5 Methodology for total CTP expenditure calculation (2016) 109 1.6 Governance and review process 112 Annex 2: Case Studies 113 2.1 Nepal – scaling up cash transfer programming (CTP) after a rapid onset disaster 113 2.2 Turkey – Working with host governments to deliver cash-based assistance during the refugee crisis 116 2.3 Zimbabwe – Lessons from the ‘Emergency Cash First Response’ to drought-affected communities 121 2.4 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – Taking cash transfers to s cale in challenging environments 123 2.5 Nigeria – Piloting tools and approaches for multi-sectoral cash responses 125 2.6 Liberia – Implementing cash at scale in response to an epidemic 128 2.7 Somalia – Rapid scale-up of cash transfer programming in response to drought 131 2.8 Lebanon – Designing and implementing operational models for cash at scale 136 2