C The Cash Learning Partnership THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CASH REPORT 3 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) Financial Tracking Service (FTS) To fill gaps and avoid double counting, the data procured from the above sources was then triangulated against 2016 data from OCHA’s FTS to arrive at a baseline figure. The data from the FTS required a forensic keyword search to highlight cash and voucher programmes from the project description field. This data was provided by Development Initiatives, to ensure consistency with the 2015 figures. Combining the data sources: Once the data was collected, it was aggregated to provide an overall CTP figure for 2016. CaLP and Accenture recognize that the data collected from the survey is only a representation of the overall cash programming in the humanitarian sector. As explained previously, data extracted from the FTS by Development Initiatives was used to fill this gap to some extent, but even then, there are gaps in the data, and the actual CTP figure may be higher. On the combined dataset, the following adjustments were performed: 3.1 Organizations covered in 2016 The organization survey was distributed to a wide range of organizations. Thirty-four organizations responded, which included major donor organizations, NGOs, INGOs, the Red Cross Movement and UN agencies. — Development Initiatives’ 2015 CTP figure comprised data taken directly from 21 organizations. • Of the 21 organizations covered last year, we procured direct data from 13 organizations for 2016 using the organization survey. • For the remaining eight organizations, which had relatively low volumes of CTP, we extrapolated the anonymized and aggregated 2015 data collected by Development Initiatives to 2016, using an aggregate growth figure. — Financial data was also directly collected from an additional 13 organizations working in the field of humanitarian cash and voucher programming (through the organization survey). 3.2 FTS data for 2016 For the organizations not covered in the 34 organizations above, in conjunction with Development Initiatives, we triangulated their CTP value for 2016 from the FTS. — The data from the FTS required a forensic keyword search to highlight cash and voucher programmes from the project description field. — Only projects coded as ‘full’ cash projects have been included in our analysis. Projects coded as ‘partial’ were not included, as they have a partial cash element and we cannot determine how much of the funding in these projects is attributed to CTP. — The values from FTS were then aggregated with the figures provided by individual agencies to arrive at total humanitarian CTP figure. 3.3 Exchange rate calculation Bloomberg data was used as a source for annual exchange rates. Average exchange rates for 2016 were used. All the data currencies other than US dollars, such as EUR, GBP, CHF, etc., was converted to USD using these exchange rates. 110

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