Objective 4: Ensure the quality of cash transfer programming The quality of CTP is perceived to be improving, but there is currently no common definition of what quality means for CTP 80% Practitioners believe that their organization has made 75% of practitioners believe they have the evidence they need to progress towards increasing the quality of CTP design quality CTP Common tools and standards, based on best practice, are required to Unrestricted CTP can promote choice and quality, manage quality consistently. but evidence is currently limited 81% of respondents to the practitioner survey agree that they know MPGs on their own cannot address all needs and should be about best practice tools for CTP. But CTP tools and guidance are not implementedincombinationwithotherprogrammeactivities systematically used across organizations, and are not sufficiently The use of unrestricted cash cuts to the heart of ‘putting people at the harmonizedwitheachotherorotherhumanitarianguidance centre’ of decision making There are ongoing initiatives to help address these issues, e.g. Determining the best ways for CTP to achieve sectoral outcomes, ▪ CBAProgrammeQuality Toolbox: Details the steps to be followed along including through the use of MPGs, requires constructive dialogue and the entire program cycle, in order to ensure quality of CTP collaboration across sectors ▪ Mainstreaming CTP in the new Sphere standards: Underpins the inherent multi-sector nature of MPGs and integrates CTP into relevant Effective monitoring requires the use of common indicators and sectoral technical standards processes across modalities and agencies The potential of humanitarian CTP to enhance financial inclusion Perceived lack of capacity in M&E for CTP depends on the context Greater harmoization of indicators 4/10 and outcomes can help enable Practitioners believe Whether financial inclusion should be an objective for CTP depends on comparative analyses of efficiency, humanitarian agencies have the nature of the crisis – specifically, its predictability and time horizon. effectiveness and accountability. appropriate M&E mechanisms This also needs to be resourced. in place for CTP. Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved 10

State of World’s Cash Report | Presentation - Page 11 State of World’s Cash Report | Presentation Page 10 Page 12