Objective 3: Build sufficient capacity for cash transfer programming Lack of capacity across organizations is a critical barrier to the effective Human resource capacity in CTP is improving, but gaps remain and extensive use of CTP 60% Organizations report that they do not have the capacities in place Upskilling existing staff requires suitable training as well as neededtoimplementCTP practical experience,forwhichfurtheropportunities(e.g.on-the-job Practitioners agree that their organization’s existing policies or the ones supportorsecondments)andresourcingarerequired ▪ Training can benefit from the development of more tailored materials 64% beingdevelopedwillbeeffectiveinensuringorganizational capacity and for different roles and contexts, and translation into more languages. readiness for CTP ▪ Sharing of training materials and working across organizations throughjoint capacity building approaches are favoured. Systematic investments are required to make real progress in building Capacity building strategies: organizations need to strategically identify where CTP capacity they can add most value to CTP, based on their core competencies, and use this to Organizations are building capacity, but the focus is more on strategic and technical informtheir capacity development strategy capacity than operational capacity Only 29% of practitioners believe it is easy to recruit skilled staff for Technical 79% Strategic 69% Operational 59% CTP roles, particularly for senior roles *Number in the box indicates the % of practitioners who believe that their organization is investing in respective capacities Organizations that have made greatest progress in scaling up CTP have Building capacity of local actors can generate significant benefits but is invested consistently in structured capacity building over several years. not being undertaken systematically This requires dedicated financial resourcing and leadership Only 46% of surveyed organizations reported that they support local non- governmental actors to implement cash and voucher programming It is crucial to build local cash readiness through increased investment in CTP preparedness and institutionalization Source: State of the World’s Cash Research, CaLPand Accenture Research Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved

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