About this Report Our research in numbers • Commissioned by the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP). Delivered by a team of CaLP 40+ Experts staff, Accenture Development Partnerships & experts. Interviewed • Purpose: an objective review of the state of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in Practitioners humanitarian aid today, in order to: (a) assess progress compared to commitments and 200+ (b) provide shared insights to accelerate progress. Surveyed • Guidedbyahighlevelsteeringcommitteeof11representativeactors. Organisations • Primary & secondary research, with input and review from diverse actors, roles and 35+ Surveyed countries. • Collaboration with Development Initiatives to generate comparable estimates of the Focus Group value of CTP. 2 Discussions • Structured using CaLP’s Global Framework for Action, which consolidates all major commitmentsincludingtheGrandBargain,into6keychapters. 6 Critical Debates • Closes with Priority Actions, based on existing recommendations. 8 In depth Case Studies Note: Please see the Appendix for more detail on the Research Methodology Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved 2

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