1 Global spend on cash & vouchers 2 CTP is being considered more often, but 3 Capacity for CTP is a limiting factor increased by 40% to $2.8bn in 2016 not systematically across organizations Total Cash and Voucher Aid CTP as a % of Total Global Sector experience with CTP Only Growth from 2015 to 2016 Hum. Aid of $27.3bn in 2016 Low High 87% 40% Food Organizations have enough 2016 2.8bn Respondents agree that CTP capacity to implement CTP 10.3% Shelter is more routinely considered WASH than a year ago Increment 40% Nutrition 7/10 Barriers to accessing CTP trainings 0.8 bn Education 48% Organizations do not agree Organizations Cost of Face to face trainings Health that market and response have difficulty 2015 2.0bn Protection analysis are embedded in finding skilled Lack of time to attend response staff for CTP roles The quality of CTP is improving, 5 The coordination of CTP is unreliable, Innovations and evidence are 4 enhanced by collaboration limiting the benefits realized 6 proliferating, but gaps remain Practitioners believe their organization % Practitioners who believe there has been an improvement in % Practitioners who believe evidence is available to Quality of CTP 100% - Has made progress towards Predictability of CTP Agree 8/10 increasing the quality of CTP 48%coordination 41%coordination 80% - Has considered evidence of best Practitioners believe that national/ local actors are 53% practices while designing and 28%appropriately involved in the coordination for CTP 44% implementing CTP Barriers to effective coordination for CTP 0% - Is taking steps to embed common Confusion about where CTP Limited commitment to Agree standards and guidelines for CTP coordination sits / no leadership use shared operational Use CTP Inform selection in the international system mechanisms Make the case for CTP appropriately of operational Source: Practitioner Survey, Organization Survey, CaLP and Accenture Research across sectors model for CTP Copyright © CaLPand Accenture 2017. All rights reserved

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